- How many bags can we take? We do not limit the number of bags a rider can bring. Most people bring two bags. Be sure the bags aren’t too big and heavy for you to carry to your tent. We suggest you use a couple of smaller bags instead of one huge bag. Please do not use bungee cords to attach bags or things together. Extremely heavy bags and bungee cords are hard on our crew. We do provide chairs for you to relax in so you do not need to bring your own.
- How many riders do you support? We usually support between 250 and 400 riders from all over the country and some from other countries as well!
- Do you provide tents? Our riders bring their own tents. We do have tents for rent if you would like. You need to contact us via email or phone to discuss details as this is not in our regular options.
- Do you set up and take down tents? Yes we do; unfortunately we are SOLD OUT for 2023!!
- Are the campsites close to showers? We do our best to get close to the showers in each town. Shower and restroom facilities are considered first when we select our campsite in May. It varies from town to town – sometime we are close to the local YMCA, a school, or a park and sometimes we are close to a shower truck.
- How do I know the bike route each day? Typically our crew will know how to direct you. It would be well worth your time to look at and read the daily town RAGBRAI information paper which will be in our camp each night (for the next day’s ride).
- Will there be shuttle services? Yes, most towns have shuttle services. Typically we are close to vendors or close to a shuttle service.
- When I ride into town, how will I know where camp is? Just follow the OOS signs! One of our crew members leaves camp at 4:30 am and drives to the next town. She ropes off our campsite and then puts signs up working her way from our site to the route into town. As you ride into town, if you watch for the neon OOS signs, you will not have a problem finding the campsite! Follow the signs, Do Not listen to the locals. They are well meaning, but will not know the location of each group.